Cea mai importantă competiție din Romania pentru industria hoteliera, turismului și ospitalității, TopHotel Awards, își continuă tradiția cu o ediție de excepție în 2025. Evenimentul va avea loc la Hotel JW Marriott din București,...
Asociația INCOMING ROMANIA / AIR alături de asociațiile și patronatele din turism, dorește să atragă atenția opiniei publice din România asupra unei situații grave: posibila neparticipare a României la târgurile internaționale de turism din primele doua luni...
Traffic on the Olt Valley, one of the most important road transport arteries in Romania, will be temporarily closed starting from July 8, 2024, until August 9, 2024, due to necessary infrastructure works. This...
In a remarkable showcase of Romanian splendor, five members of the Incoming Romania Association (Dagecom, Romania for All, Romania Tours, World Travel Group) recently made their mark at the prestigious BIT Milano travel exhibition....
In a remarkable display of cultural exchange and tourism promotion, 12 members of the Incoming Romania Association participated in the prestigious FITUR Madrid 2024, held from January 24 to January 28. The association proudly...
This year, 18 tour operators members of the Incoming Romania Association were present at one of the largest tourism fairs – World Travel Market – taking place in London between Nov 6 and Nov...
Vineri, 27 octombrie 2023, în cadrul hotelului Capital Plaza din București, a avut loc Adunarea Generală a Membrilor Asociației Incoming România. Cu această ocazie, a fost aleasă noua conducere și au fost stabilite obiectivele...
TopHotel Awards, the most important competition in Romania dedicated to the hotel, tourism and hospitality industry, returns with a new edition on May 23rd at JW Marriott Bucharest Grand Hotel. Each edition, the competition...
The Association for the Promotion of Timișoara, in partnership with the employers’ association HORETIM and with the support of Iulius Town and PEJ Travel, organized, between January 27 and 30, 2023, a documentary visit...
After three years of absence, Romania participates again with a national stand at FITUR Madrid between 18-22 January 2023. Incoming Romania Association (AIR) is present with 13 members, together with the National Association of...