TopHotel Awards, cea mai prestigioasa competitie care celebreaza excelenta in industria hoteliera, a turismului si ospitalitatii din Romania, revine cu o noua editie. Evenimentul va avea loc la JW Marriott Bucharest Grand Hotel din Bucuresti, pe 28 mai 2024, si isi propune sa recunoasca si sa premieze cele mai bune proiecte, sa aduca in prim-plan cei mai buni profesionisti si sa sublinieze viziunea si performanta investitorilor.
Ajuns la cea de-a 11-a editie, TopHotel Awards reprezinta un catalizator pentru inovatie si incurajeaza dezvoltarea continua a acestui sector. Cu 33 de categorii adaptate la schimbarile constante de pe piata, competitia ofera o oportunitate unica pentru profesionistii din domeniu sa isi evidentieze realizarile si sa fie recunoscuti la nivel national.
Inscrierile pentru TopHotel Awards 2024 sunt deschise pana pe 17 martie. Hoteluri, pensiuni, restaurante, agentii de turism, profesionisti si echipe care au avut o contributie semnificativa in industria hoteliera din Romania pot fi propusi in competitie. Propunerile pentru inscrierea in competitie pot fi trimise gratuit prin completarea online a formularului disponibil pe site-ul www.tophotelawards.ro.
Categorii de TopHotel Awards 2024
- Hotel of the Year – International Hotel Chain, 5 stars
- Hotel of the Year – Independent Hotel, 5 stars
- Hotel of the Year – International Hotel Chain, 4 stars
- Hotel of the Year – Independent Hotel, 4 stars
- Boutique (Luxury) Hotel of the Year
- Most Popular Hotel of the Year – 3 stars
- Best Green & Eco-friendly Hotel
- Leisure Hotel of the Year
- Hotel of the Year for Balneary Tourism
- Best Resort
- Most Beautiful Mansion/Castle
- Guest House of the Year (Traditional)
- Guest House of the Year (Modern)
- Best Hotel SPA
- Best Winery Accommodation
- Best Culinary Experience in a Hotel Restaurant
- Hotel Opening of the Year
- Best Upgrade for a Hotel
- Transaction of the Year
- Best Investment in Innovation and Technology
- Best Hotel Architecture Concept
- Best Initiative for Supporting Local Tourism
- Best Initiative for Supporting Global Tourism
- Best Digital Initiative for Inspiring Romanian Tourism
- Best Program for Incoming Tourism
- Best Investment in Tourism Industry (other than a hotel)
- General Manager of the Year
- Hotel Employee of the Year
- Hotel Team of the Year
- Chef of the Year for the Hotel Industry
- Manager of the Year for the Tourism Industry
- Young Travel Entrepreneur of the Year
- CSR Initiative of a Hotel or Travel Agency
Mai multe detalii despre criteriile fiecarei categorii, regulament si inscriere sunt disponibile pe www.tophotelawards.ro.
TopHotel Conference & Awards 2024 este un eveniment organizat de Evensys in parteneriat cu Epta DAAS, Technogym, Radisson Hotel Group, Marriott International, Accor, Philips, D-EDGE, Calirom, MultiSoft si Nespresso.